Day 67
The Voice
This relatively recent edition of the New Testament is written somewhat like a script. For example, consider this passage from John 3:
Jesus: 10You don’t know the gift of God or
who is asking you for a drink of this
water from Jacob’s well. Because if you
did, you would have asked Him for something
greater and He would have given
you the living water.
Woman: 11Sir, You sit by this deep well a
thirsty man without a bucket in sight.
Where does this living water come from?
Do You believe You can draw water and
share it with me? 12Are You claiming
superiority to our father Jacob who
labored long and hard to dig and maintain
this well so that he could share
clean water with his sons, grandchildren,
and cattle?
Jesus: 13Drink this water, and your thirst is
quenched only for a moment. You must
return to this well again and again. 14I
offer water that will become a wellspring
within you that gives life throughout
eternity. You will never be thirsty again.
Woman: 15Please, Sir, give me some of this
water, so I’ll never be thirsty and never
again have to make the trip to this well.
